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Category: Supply Chain

Looking Ahead: Sea Freight in the Second Half of 2024

As we enter the second half of 2024, the sea freight industry faces significant uncertainties, particularly around supply. Diversions around the Red Sea and ongoing port congestion have absorbed any excess capacity that existed at the end of 2023. Since…

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Port and rail strikes loom in Europe, USA and Canada

French port strikes have been suspended, but German strikes have started, with industrial action by Canadian railways likely and industrial action by Canadian railways is becoming more likely, while the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) is edging closer to the first…

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Spot rates from China and Asia climb new peaks

Spot rates to Europe, measured by the Shanghai Containerised Freight Index (SCFI), have risen nearly 13% in the last week, taking them above their January peaks, with momentum continuing to be strong given the current tight space situation and further…

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Exports from Asia hit by port congestion

Container port congestion at key Asian hubs continues to worsen, with berthing delays in China and Southeast Asia, and nearly half of all Asia-Europe westbound sailings failing to depart on time last week. Although the number of containers waiting at…

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US and Europe sea freight rates from Asia in trend

In a clearly defined link, sea freight spot rates from Asia to the US trade are peaking two weeks after spot rates to Europe reached their peak, as the scramble for capacity ahead of Lunar new Year subsided. That fortnight…

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Red Sea situation latest @ 1st February 2024

The Houthi rebel attacks against commercial shipping in the Bab al-Mandab Strait approach to the Suez Canal, that began in December 2023, shows no sign of ending and all major container shipping lines are taking the 3,500 mile diversion around the Cape of…

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Red Sea crisis; supply chain update 17th January 2024

Houthi rebels in Yemen continue to attack commercial shipping, with a rocket attack on a Greek-owned vessel and a US-owned bulk carriers in the last two days and with container shipping line’ schedules showing Cape of Good Hope routing for…

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3rd January; Suez Canal crisis latest

The new year back in the office has started with the shock of the double-attack on the Maersk Hangzhou on Sunday, which came despite the formation of a coalition naval task force to patrol the southern Red Sea and Gulf…

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