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UK SME’s favour the US

According to new research by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), the United States is favourite for 59% of exporting SME’s looking to trade outside the EU, with Australia 44% and Canada 36% following.

The US is also the top origin market for UK importers sourcing outside Europe, with almost a third (32%) buying goods from the States. China is placed the second (30%), just before India (9%).

FSB Policy Chair Tina McKenzie said: “Bringing down trade barriers facing small firms must be at the front and centre of trade discussions. Small firms’ success in the global market will be fundamental to attainment of the UK’s growth plans.”

Exporting is integral to business success and accessing new international markets can transform business potential, which is why we work closely with our export clients, to accelerate their growth and unlock global opportunities.

Despite the positive exporting opportunities, nearly a quarter of SMEs have yet to begin selling overseas and many of those that do export have experienced supply chain and logistical issues, increased paperwork and red tape.

While, with a common language, the United States, Canada and Australia are some of the easiest countries to do business with, unprepared companies can face significant hurdles when attempting to access these markets.

If you thinking of exporting, our experts can advise you on prevailing trade regulations, law and business culture and guide you through licensing and customs compliance, so that you are prepared to access new markets successfully.

Simply EMAIL Michelle Redman to review your opportunities or to get your questions and concerns answered.