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Ningbo container terminal fully open after COVID closure

The Ningbo-Meidong container terminal fully reopens today (25th August) two weeks after it was closed due to a single positive COVID-19 case and one week after cargo operations resumed on a limited basis.

We expect it will take a few days to get up and running after today’s (25th August) reopening, but Meidong container terminal operations should return to normal by the 1st September.

Restrictions on the Ningbo-Meidong, Meishan Island International Container Terminal (MSICT) and associated bonded trade zone have been lifted and hauliers will recommence picking up and delivering containers, but their arrivals will be staggered to avoid congestion.

Just prior to reopening there were 26 containers ships at berth and at anchor at Ningbo, while other vessels have either diverted to Ningbo’s Beilun or Daxie terminals, which are operating normally, or skipped Ningbo calls entirely.

But ships displaced from Meidong and now calling at these terminals have added to congestion at Ningbo, resulting in queues of ships at the anchorage outside the port.

The full opening of the marine terminal is reassuring and means that the disruption is likely to have a smaller impact than the closure of Yantian International Container Terminals in late June, which drove congestion through Southern Chinese ports.

The terminal is mainly used by the Ocean Alliance, comprised of Cosco Shipping/OOCL, CMA CGM, and Evergreen Line.

While we expect the situation in Ningbo will improve swiftly, we will continue to assess its impact on a shipment by shipment basis and would urge you to contact us directly if you have any questions or concerns.