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Archive: China

Spot rates from China and Asia climb new peaks

Spot rates to Europe, measured by the Shanghai Containerised Freight Index (SCFI), have risen nearly 13% in the last week, taking them above their January peaks, with momentum continuing to be strong given the current tight space situation and further…

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Exports from Asia hit by port congestion

Container port congestion at key Asian hubs continues to worsen, with berthing delays in China and Southeast Asia, and nearly half of all Asia-Europe westbound sailings failing to depart on time last week. Although the number of containers waiting at…

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Shipping line rates update

In early July we reported how Maersk took the market by surprise with an FAK spot rate increase on its Asia-North Europe and Mediterranean services, with other carriers quick to follow their lead and while it remains to be seen…

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Lines follow Maersk rate rise from China

Container shipping line Maersk took the market by surprise last Monday, announcing that it would impose a 49% freight all kinds (FAK) spot rate increase on its Asia-North Europe services, with other carriers quick to follow their lead. At this…

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Shipping lines cancel a quarter of sailings from China

In the pre and post-Chinese New Year (CNY) period, from 1st January to 17th February, Alphaliner has calculated that the three big carrier alliances plan to skip 27% of their originally scheduled Asia – Europe sailings. In a normal year,…

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China COVID restrictions finally loosen

Following widespread protests the Chinese government finally appear to be relaxing their zero-COVID strategy, which will give residents more freedom and finally loosen supply chain constraints. (more…)

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Shanghai and China supply chain update

Even with tiered restarting of manufacturing and partial lifting of the lockdown in Shanghai, the situation across China remains challenging, with a total of 56 sailings blanked over the next four weeks. Despite press reports of a further COVID clampdown in…

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Shanghai lockdown indefinite

With Shanghai now under indefinite lockdown, the primary container port and airport are struggling with congestion and data has shown a doubling of port congestion across China since the latest lockdowns began. (more…)

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