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Category: News

Supply chains may be impacted by Panama Canal drought

The Panama Canal handles about 6% of global trade and more than 70% of the cargo that passes through it, is either heading to or departing from the United States, but recent reports of 123 ships waiting to transit the…

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Air cargo poised to benefit from sea freight’s reliability

With sea freight  schedule reliability currently just over 60%, air freight could be buoyed if the anti-trust rules imposed by the EU further impact reliability next year. For many shippers reliability is their most important selection criteria and often that…

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Global air freight market picks up

Despite the lowest expectations of a peak season, global air freight indices are recording rate rises on major east-west trades in October, as the industry entered the traditional peak season period. The latest figures from the Baltic Exchange Airfreight Index…

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Shipping lines face Suez Canal price rise and EU ETS surcharge

Container shipping lines (and by extension shippers) are facing another price increase in January, with the Suez Canal announcing a 15% increase in fees on northbound transits. (more…)

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Container shipping alliances under threat by EU

Container shipping line alliances will from next April no longer enjoy their 15 year exemption from EU rules against anti-competitive agreements, because the EU believes that it was no longer supporting small carriers as intended and it does not boost…

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Freight market report; October 2023

Normal(ish) operations continue at most Israeli sea freight terminals, but a backlog of vessels is growing and while some airlines have resumed services to Israel, the industry is still exercising caution and charter requests are becoming increasingly harder to fulfil.…

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Golden Week blanked sailings growing

Carriers are frantically cutting October sailings from Asia to Europe, to try and get capacity below demand levels, in a final attempt to support rates, before the start of the traditional slack season, because their next opportunity to significantly raise…

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Seize trans-Atlantic opportunities before market rebounds

Once the container shipping lines’ most steady and dependable trade-lane, and then their unexpected post-pandemic cash cow, the trans-Atlantic market has dropped dramatically and offers shippers a significant opportunity, but only if they act now, before the market rebounds. Spot…

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