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After four delays EU import checks will begin

Delayed checks on imports from the EU, which are legally required under the Brexit trade deal, will be introduced in three parts from October – subject to industry feedback.

The UK government has published a plan for risk-based checks across EU and non-EU trade and will now engage with industry for six weeks before publishing final version of the model later this year.

The draft Border Target Operating Model sets forth proposals for a new border surveillance and control system to provide protection from security and biosecurity threats.

It will apply to imports from all countries and will prevent delays at the border by reducing the need for physical checks for many types of goods, and by ensuring that checks take place in a location other than ports to enable traffic to flow freely.

None of the additional checks or controls in the model will apply to imports into Northern Ireland from the EU following the Windsor Framework, but there will be further checks for goods arriving directly on the UK mainland from the Republic of Ireland.

The government will implement the model in three parts:

31st October 2023: Introduction of health certification for imports of medium-risk animal products, plants, and plant products, as well as for high-risk food and feed of non-animal origin from the EU

31st January 2024: Introduction risk-based identity and physical checks for medium-risk animal products, plants, and plant products, as well as for high risk food and feed of non-animal origin from the EU

31st October 2024: Safety and Security declarations for EU imports, alongside a reduced dataset for imports and use of the UK Single Trade Window to remove duplication.

Importers should begin working with key vendors, suppliers and others within their supply chains to prepare for October 2023, when health certification will be required for applicable goods.

We provide customs brokerage solutions, guidance and support on both sides of the Channel.

To discuss your situation and to learn how we simplify EU/UK customs compliance, including with the new Target Operating Model please EMAIL Michelle Redman.