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Exporters need to prepare for declaration and Certificate of Origin (CoO) changes

From 1st April 2023, any pre-printed COO’s which have the old International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) logo could be refused at any customs point as an invalid document, while export declarations will soon be made through the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) and exporters must register for the service.

Certificate of Origin changes
The British Chamber of Commerce (BCC), as the authorising body in the UK for Certificates of Origin, has decided that plain paper United Kingdom Certificates of Origin will be issued from the 1st April 2023 and any pre-printed COO’s, which have the old ICC logo could be refused at any customs point as an invalid document.

As part of the transitional move towards the single trade window proposed implementation deadline of 2025, the British Chamber of Commerce and ICC have set a deadline of 1st October 2023 for the switch from pre-printed COO’s for any electronically certified COO to plain paper.

The Certificate of Origin is one of a variety of documents and certificates that may be needed for import and export shipments.

Our Customs experts ensure that you always have the correct documentation, assisting with the application, form-filling and certifications, because mistakes may cost you penalties and delays.

If you have any questions or concerns, please EMAIL Michelle Redman.

Export declaration changes
The decision to replace the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight system (CHIEF), which has been processing import and export declarations for HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for nearly 30 years, was made before the EU referendum in 2015.

CHIEF’s successor, the Customs Declaration Service (CDS), was originally scheduled to launch in 2019 but as Brexit changed the UK’s trading landscape so dramatically, CHIEF was retained, while CDS was scaled up to handle the increase in the volume of declarations resulting from Brexit.

The migration from paper-based rules on CHIEF, to data processing rules on CDS was scheduled in two stages, with import declarations moving on the 30th September 2022, while exports, which were due to migrate on the 31st March 2023, were put back to the 30th November 2023.

At the start of the year HMRC data showed that more than a quarter of businesses had not signed up to CDS and could potentially find themselves unable to export.

With all export declarations made through the new CDS by 30th November 2023, HMRC is contacting traders directly to raise awareness of the absolute deadline and the need to register for the service.

It is critical to note that CDS requires far more data and specific information than CHIEF and may involve changes to commercial documentation.

Our clients have been migrated onto the CDS platform and are supported by our customs brokerage team, but if you have not registered for CDS, or are uncertain how it applies to you, we can guide you through the changes and actions required. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please EMAIL Michelle Redman.