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Shanghai freight operations shut down as Typhoon In-fa hits

Shanghai Pudong, Hongqiao and Hangzhou cancelled inbound and outbound flights from Saturday, and container terminals stopped accepting cargo since the 24th July and there is now a heavy backlog in Shanghai, which we estimate will clear by the end of the week.

Our partners in the Shanghai region are working remotely as Typhoon In-fa continues to lash the city, after the municipal government issued an emergency notice on Sunday afternoon requiring employers to make “appropriate arrangements about employee’s work” to guarantee their safety.

The provinces of Zhejiang and Jiangsu, as well as Shanghai municipality, all in eastern China, will be affected by heavy winds and torrential rains over the next couple of days.

While we expect the situation in Shanghai will improve swiftly, we are assessing impact on a shipment by shipment basis and would urge you to contact us directly if you have any questions or concerns.